Big Idea: Jesus invites all to his banquet, but only those who respond with a humble heart sit at the table.
1. Jesus wants a full banquet & invites ALL!!!
2. Not all will make it to the table
3. You are invited, so come!
Big Idea: Jesus invites all to his banquet, but only those who respond with a humble heart sit at the table.
1. Jesus wants a full banquet & invites ALL!!!
2. Not all will make it to the table
3. You are invited, so come!
Great joy has been made available to you
Respond to good news of great joy
BIG IDEA: “God will take care of his people, so put your trust completely in him alone.”
Declare the reason for anxiety
Dig out the root of anxiety
Depend on the remedy for anxiety
The Spirit-filled church SENDS out disciples who are PREPARED, CALLED, and COMPETENT.
How would you respond if you had to leave all that you currently know to accomplish a calling that is beyond you? How would you respond if God called you to give up your house, your job, your church, your children's school, all to move to a country that is foreign in every way?
In 2013, at Harvest University in Chicago, Nate Newell heard the story of the Bridge International Church in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He heard that this church was going to become a Harvest Bible Chapel but more importantly, this church needed a pastor.
Pastor Nate shares with us how God called him to Malaysia and challenges us to be a sending church.