We finish our series, Encounter Christ, looking at the effect Jesus had on his disciples, transforming them from timid, doubting men to unafraid witnesses of the gospel.
In Mark 10 we are introduced to a rich, young ruler who encountered Christ. His response to Christ serves as a warning and a challenge to not hold on to our earthly treasure lest we miss the eternal treasure of Jesus himself.
Trends come and trends go. What do you do when Jesus is the trend? Pastor Jeff offers us a few warnings to make sure that Jesus is not just a passing trend in your life.
Working for Christ can be challenging. It often requires sacrificing of time and energy above what we are giving elsewhere. But, it is always worth the sacrifice because of who Jesus is and what he has done for us. In Mark 6 we see the disciples learn this lesson and are challenged to do the same.
There were over 500 witnesses to Jesus after his resurrection. What would happen if we put those witnesses on trial? We would find lives changed by the resurrection story. This Easter Sunday, Pastor Jeff invites you to let the Resurrection Story of Jesus change YOUR story as well.