Dave Kelley

Gospel + ∅ (Part 5) Philippians 3:1-9

Big Idea: Confidence in our union with Christ frees us to rejoice in the Lord

1) The Poison: Legalism (Phil 3:2)
a. Dogs… defile by ignoring the gospel (Phil 3:2a)

b. Evildoers... enslave through deception (Phil 3:2b)

c. Mutilators... manipulate for their own glory (Phil 3:2c)

2) The Antidote: Confidence in our union with Christ (Phil 3:3-9)

a. We worship by the Spirit of God (Phil 3:3b)

b. We glory in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:3c)

c. We put no confidence in the flesh (Phil 3:3d-9)

3) The Response: Rejoice in the Lord (Phil 3:1)

A new source of joy…

  • Performance of Paul… a joy that’s fleeting, momentary, counterfeit.

  • Person of Christ… a joy that’s enduring, lasting, genuine.

Application: A Christ-confident Christian is tenaciously disciplined…

a. But not self-righteous

b. But not self-condemning

c. But not self-sufficient

Strategic Church-Planting (2 Timothy 2:22)

Big Idea: Strategic Church Planting isn’t really about church planting. It’s about Multiplication

1. Multiplication is an invitation into the creative work of God (Get 9:1; 17:6; 35:11)
2. Multiplication is tethered to, but dependent upon, our obedience (Jer 23:3)
3. Multiplication is about Jesus (Luke 9:1-2; 10:1)
4. Multiplication is a work of the Spirit (Acts 1:15; 2:41; 4:4; 5:14; 14:23)
5. Multiplication happens in and through the Church (2 Timothy 2:2)

What does this mean for Monday?
a. Invest with us
b. Give with us
c. Live Sent

Walking in Christ (Colossians 2:6-7)

Walking in Christ (Colossians 2:6-7)

BIG IDEA: “You began in Christ alone. Keep going in Christ alone. Christ is everything.

  1. We walk in Christ by looking back at who and what we received (v 6)

  2. We walk in Christ firmly rooted and continually built on a secure foundation (v 7a)

  3. We walk in Christ with overflowing and increasing gratefulness for grace (v 7b)