Big Idea: A weekly pattern of rest can help us delight in and depend on the ultimate person of rest
1) The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath (Mark 2:27)
2) The Son of Man is lord of the sabbath (Mark 2:28)
Big Idea: A weekly pattern of rest can help us delight in and depend on the ultimate person of rest
1) The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath (Mark 2:27)
2) The Son of Man is lord of the sabbath (Mark 2:28)
Big Idea: Disciples of Jesus, as we reflect His image more and more, always have a next step.
You know what to do. You’re already doing it. Do so more and more. (v1-3)
Take a next step to conquer sin in your private life (v3-8)
Take a next step to love others in your public life (v9-12)
Big Idea: Confidence in our union with Christ frees us to rejoice in the Lord
1) The Poison: Legalism (Phil 3:2)
a. Dogs… defile by ignoring the gospel (Phil 3:2a)
b. Evildoers... enslave through deception (Phil 3:2b)
c. Mutilators... manipulate for their own glory (Phil 3:2c)
2) The Antidote: Confidence in our union with Christ (Phil 3:3-9)
a. We worship by the Spirit of God (Phil 3:3b)
b. We glory in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:3c)
c. We put no confidence in the flesh (Phil 3:3d-9)
3) The Response: Rejoice in the Lord (Phil 3:1)
A new source of joy…
Performance of Paul… a joy that’s fleeting, momentary, counterfeit.
Person of Christ… a joy that’s enduring, lasting, genuine.
Application: A Christ-confident Christian is tenaciously disciplined…
a. But not self-righteous
b. But not self-condemning
c. But not self-sufficient
Big Idea: Strategic Church Planting isn’t really about church planting. It’s about Multiplication
1. Multiplication is an invitation into the creative work of God (Get 9:1; 17:6; 35:11)
2. Multiplication is tethered to, but dependent upon, our obedience (Jer 23:3)
3. Multiplication is about Jesus (Luke 9:1-2; 10:1)
4. Multiplication is a work of the Spirit (Acts 1:15; 2:41; 4:4; 5:14; 14:23)
5. Multiplication happens in and through the Church (2 Timothy 2:2)
What does this mean for Monday?
a. Invest with us
b. Give with us
c. Live Sent
Big Idea: Biblical preaching propels us to live sent.
Biblical preaching…
Consider the audience (v16-21)
Communicates the truth (v22-31)
Connects the heart (v23, 28, 32-34)