Big Idea: The final battle will be fierce, but God will raise his people in the end
The battle is...
1. Fought beyond what our eyes can see (10:1-21)
2. Focused on God’s people (11:1-45)
3. Finished when God raises his faithful ones (12:1-13)
Big Idea: The final battle will be fierce, but God will raise his people in the end
The battle is...
1. Fought beyond what our eyes can see (10:1-21)
2. Focused on God’s people (11:1-45)
3. Finished when God raises his faithful ones (12:1-13)
Big Idea: God’s people boldly confess their sin because God is putting an end to their sin
1. A prayer of confession (9:1-19)
2. A declaration of love (9:20-23)
3. A prophecy of hope (9:24-27)
Big Idea: The powers want to break God’s people, but God’s hand will break the powers in the end.
The powers...
1. Break each other for control (8:3-8, 20-21)
2. Are energized by Satan to break God’s people (8:9-12, 22-25a)
3. Will be broken by God’s all-powerful hand (8:13-19, 25b-26)
Big Idea: The beasts may rage, but the King will reign!
1. Welcome to the zoo (7:1-8, 19-25)
2. The Judge is coming (7:9-12, 26)
3. The Son of Man reigns forever (7:13-14, 18, 22, 27)
Big Idea: Even lions are no match for our God, so give him your unflinching loyalty
1. Daniel’s loyalty to the living God (6:1-13)
2. God’s power over ravenous lions (6:14-24)
3. King Darius’ declaration about who is really in charge (6:25-28)