Today's message begins in Acts chapter 1. The scene opens with 120 followers of Jesus and his 11 disciples in a room. They have just witnessed Christ's ascension to Heaven and have appointed an apostle to replace Judas. As the disciples thought of Jesus last words to them they were also trying to figure out the role they would play from now on. As we read their account we are challenged by the scriptures to do the same. Do you realize that God has called you to playa part in his script?
Power for the Mission
We are in week two of a brand new series from the book of Acts called, "Church on a Mission." While this series should take us to the end of this year there may not be a more important message for our church than the message found in this week's sermon. If we can see and embrace the mission God has for his Church found in these five verses of Acts chapter one, our lives as a church and as individuals will not be the same.
Unexpected Power
We are starting a new theme for the year. The theme is very simply this, "Church on a Mission." We are the church of Jesus Christ and Jesus has given us a mission. He fills us up and sends us out. It is an amazing thing that God has taken the time and thought to tell us what he wants from his church. So, this year we are going to dig into God's Word to ask Jesus what he wants his church to be like.
Due to some technical difficulty during the recording the volume gets softer five minutes into the sermon. We apologize and hope to fix the issue before next Sunday.
You Can Pursue What Matters
We are winding down our theme for the year. Our theme for the 2013 - 2014 year has been "Advance: Pursuing What Matters." As our church celebrates it's 2 year anniversary it is a good time to ask ourselves, "Does my faith in Jesus make a difference in my life?"
Sunday's message came from to 1 Peter 1:22-2:5. As we start the new semester you CAN pursue what matters.