Past Go Beyond Opportunities:
winter clothing drive 2024
In partnership with Shelter House
The Ask: Winter clothing and outerwear for children and adults
The Result: 17 bags of clothing donated to the Katherine Hanley Family Shelter.
Generosity feeds 2024
The Ask: $15,000 for 15,000 meals
The Results: $20,000+ for 20,000 meals to be distributed throughout the Fairfax County school system.
Baby Bottle Campaign
Provide hope, counseling, medical care, diapers, baby clothes and more to new moms facing an unexpected and undersupported pregnancy. Fill a baby bottle with change, cash, or checks and return it to the church by May 26.
New for 2024! Donate online and choose “May Is For Moms” as your initiative.
encourage the staff at the katherine hanley shelter
The daily grind can be hard. But when it includes daily exposure to the effects of poverty, abuse, mental illness, despair, and more, the results can be rapid burnout.
Help the Katherine Hanley Family shelter encourage and support their staff by giving toward their staff appreciation dinner and by writing letters of encouragement to the staff with your small group.
walk 4 life & family fun day
Join us for our Walk For Life at beautiful Lake Accotink on November 4th!
Registering for our Walk For Life is a tangible way that you can spread the word about Sanctity of Life Ministries and the Life-Saving work we do in our clinics. With each dollar you raise, that money will go towards furthering our mission to bring women from Crisis, to Christ, to the Local Church!
The Lamb Center
Service | Fundraiser Picnic | Donations
Help us serve our local homeless shelter! The Lamb Center is a daytime drop-in shelter serving Fairfax, VA. There are multiple ways to serve.
2022 Annual Event
Sep. 24, 2022 | 9 am (setup), 2 PM (meal creation) | Katherine Johnson Middle School
Come partner with us as we join with Generosity Feeds to package 15,000 meals! These healthy, easy-to-prepare bagged meals will be distributed to Fairfax County children at risk for food scarcity.
Donate, sign up to participate, or both!
Food Drive - food for others
Sundays, March 27, April 3 & 10th | Our church will be collecting canned goods and monetary donations benefiting Food for Others. Drop-off your donations in the parking lot before or after the worship service.
Power Pack Creation
Friday, April 1 & April 8th | The Power Pack Program provides weekend meals to more than 3,000 students at 44 schools throughout Fairfax County each week during the school year.
Community Leaf Raking
Saturday, November 6th | We’ll be sending a few people out to the neighborhoods behind Katherine Johnson MS, letting them know about our church and collecting sign-ups to have their yards raked.
Saturday, November 20th | Community raking day! We’ll be raking the yards that signed up and will also go around to the neighborhood offering donuts and coffee to continue to build relationships with the community around us.