Big Idea: The key to being ready for Christ’s future return is to anxiously anticipate it now
1. We must be ready like a faithful servant (Luke 12:35-38)
2. We must be ready like a wise home owner (Luke 12:39-40)
Big Idea: The key to being ready for Christ’s future return is to anxiously anticipate it now
1. We must be ready like a faithful servant (Luke 12:35-38)
2. We must be ready like a wise home owner (Luke 12:39-40)
Big Idea: Jesus invites all to his banquet, but only those who respond with a humble heart sit at the table.
1. Jesus wants a full banquet & invites ALL!!!
2. Not all will make it to the table
3. You are invited, so come!
Big Idea: True riches are found in God’s eternal Kingdom
1: Those who believe have a different perspective (Luke 16:8)
2: The world and everything in it are temporary (Luke 16:9)
3. How we live our lives is a test of sorts…and there are rewards on the line (Luke 16:10)
4. Nothing we have is ours…But we will have riches of our own one day (Luke 16:12)
5. What people value highly is detestable in God’s eyes (Luke 16:15)
How do we maintain an eternal mindset?
1. Take inventory
2. Use world wealth to make friends
3. Look to Jesus’ example on the cross
Big Idea: Humility is the key that turns pride to humble obedience
1. The Problem: Pride
2. The Solution: Grace that leads to humility
3. The Response: Humility that obeys
The Purpose of the Church
1) God's wisdom in salvation made known to us (Eph 3:10a)
2) God's wisdom in salvation made known to usThrough us to the heavenly beings (Eph 3:10b)