To have a significant impact for the poor . . .
1. We have to be Jesus Kingdom minded about the poor
2. We have to be committed to God’s missional purpose of the
local church
To have a significant impact for the poor . . .
1. We have to be Jesus Kingdom minded about the poor
2. We have to be committed to God’s missional purpose of the
local church
Big Idea: Working for Christ is an inside out endeavor
Jesus-centered, inside out work has a renewed:
1. Scope (3:23a)
2. Focus (3:23b)
3. Motivation (3:24)
Big Idea: Walking with Christ is a together endeavor
The “togethers” of our walk:
1. Calling (4:1)
2. Attitudes (4:2)
3. Purpose (4:3-6)
Big Idea: Worshiping Christ is an all-of-life endeavor
1. Begins with visualization (12:1a)
2. Leads to presentation (12:1b)
3. Results in transformation (12:2)
Big Idea: Above all God expects justice, kindness and humility