Big Idea: Jesus completes God’s law and he shows us what truly right living looks like.
Jesus completes the law (5:17-20)
Jesus reveals truly right living (5:21-48)
Big Idea: Jesus completes God’s law and he shows us what truly right living looks like.
Jesus completes the law (5:17-20)
Jesus reveals truly right living (5:21-48)
How should a Christian handle new pronouns? Should a Christian ever go to a gay wedding? Watch Pastor Matthew and Elder Matt discuss these and other pressing questions from the congregation in this roundtable discussion on gender and sexuality. To learn even more about this topic, listen to our sermon series titled "What Does the Bible Really Say About Gender & Sexuality.”
Big Idea: The good life begins in our hearts and moves out to the world.
The portrait of the good life (5:1-12)
The good life displayed (5:13-16)
Big Idea: Disciples of Jesus, as we reflect His image more and more, always have a next step.
You know what to do. You’re already doing it. Do so more and more. (v1-3)
Take a next step to conquer sin in your private life (v3-8)
Take a next step to love others in your public life (v9-12)
Big Idea: Working for the Glory of God starts with a new identity as he equips and commissions us for the work he’s given us to do.
1. We work from our identity (v1-2)
2. We work as those who are equipped (v3-5)
3. We work with unity in community (v6-11)
4. We work by being commissioned (v6-11)