In 1 Thessalonians 2:9-12 Paul continues to set the example of how we can represent Christ well as we serve him. We want to be good stewards of Jesus name as we seek to share the gospel with the world around us.
Unapologetic Preaching for the Unshaken Church
Harvest Bible Chapel is grounded in Jesus Christ and built upon four pillars. The first pillar is Unapologetic Preaching. We want to proclaim the authority of God's Word without apology. 1 Thessalonians 2 has a message for those doing the preaching. Pastor Jeff challenges us to always be in prayer for the men God has called to lead us.
The Testimony of an Unshaken Church
We're living in uncertain times under the weight and pressure of a culture of immorality and ungodliness that's increasingly hostile towards the values of the Kingdom of Christ. As we start our new series in the book of 1 Thessalonians we will see what it takes to be prepared for whatever this fallen world might have to offer. We know that with a strong foundation in the hope of the gospel we will be UNSHAKEN.