Those who have been saved by God must embrace his heart for the nations
1. Jonah disobeys God (1:1-16)
2. God saves Jonah (1:17-2:10)
3. God saves Nineveh (3:1-10)
4. Jonah loves himself (4:1-8)
5. God loves the nations (4:9-11)
Those who have been saved by God must embrace his heart for the nations
1. Jonah disobeys God (1:1-16)
2. God saves Jonah (1:17-2:10)
3. God saves Nineveh (3:1-10)
4. Jonah loves himself (4:1-8)
5. God loves the nations (4:9-11)
Big Idea: Wisdom is about who you know, not what you know
Wisdom’s Feast (9:1-6)
Folly’s Feast (9:13-18)
The Invitation (9:7-12)
Big Idea: A dedicated child begins with a dedicated parent
1. Dedicated in pain (1:1-8)
2. Dedicated in prayer (1:9-20)
3. Dedicated in purpose (1:21-28)
Big Idea: Men and women are to be pursued, not just permitted, for ministry in the church