Originally, I wasn’t that excited to come to Harvest Fairfax. My girlfriend at the time, now wife, Madison, was the reason I started coming to Harvest. She moved to Northern Virginia first, and I followed, and because she was here before me and had already committed to Harvest, I came with her. I initially felt like I didn't have the chance to choose a church that I wanted to attend, but rather I had a church chosen for me.
However, the more I came to Harvest, the more I began to see that I was actually attending the church that God chose for me and my whole perspective changed. God worked through different members of Harvest and my small group (props to my small group leaders, Scott and Stef) and I felt welcomed in ways that I had not expected. After only a short time, I was connected and committed alongside my wife. Now Harvest is my home, and I'm thankful that I’m here!
I’ve realized that in my life I tend to lean on myself to make the right decision, then ask God to bless my choice, as opposed to truly letting God lead and following Him where He leads. It's a very me-centric way of living that is selfish and not God-loving. But God is working in me to trust Him as he leads my life and the life of our family, and being at Harvest has been a big part in that.
Ultimately, my story is a powerful reminder that my life is not about what I want, but it should always be about what God wants and what honors Him.