8 & 9 | Wayne & Mindy Schaitel: Lives Transformed by Grace



Say no more, right? We know how it works around here: the military moves you in, and before long they move you right back out. At least that’s the story for Wayne & Mindy Schaitel as they prepare for another move with their family (to Georgia this time) after a couple of years in Northern Virginia. But something amazing happened during their time here: God transformed both of their lives.

After moving to Virginia, Wayne connected with an old friend from high school, Marc Westenburg. Marc and his wife, Joyce, had just moved to NOVA a year earlier, and they invited Wayne & Mindy to Harvest Bible Chapel Fairfax. Mindy was moved to tears during worship, they both connected with a community where they felt loved, and they started growing in their understanding of the Bible. 

Both of them came to truly understand the grace of God in sending Jesus to die for our sins, and their lives were transformed.

Now it’s time for us to say goodbye.

Because they’ve faced goodbyes so many times before in their military career, both Wayne & Mindy have been politely guarded in their relationships within a community, but this time, because of what Christ has done, they are sad to be leaving a church family they have come to love. While it hurts to see them go, we have confidence that God is strategically sending them out. So, as Wayne says, they’ll take what God has grown in them “and share it with the next church and community in which we will belong.”

We love you, Wayne & Mindy! Go share Christ with the world!