Days 12: Tokyo, Part 2

Beach Day (Morito Beach) 

Kenji and I were invited to join the young adults at a near by beach. We had an amazing time. I saw a guitar and couldn’t help myself. It gave me chills to be able to worship freely outside, knowing that 99% of the people around me don’t worship Jesus. We were able to see Mt Fuji at a distance.

The Nations are in Tokyo 

Since Tokyo is such a sought-after city, it draws many global expats. Interestingly, this Sunday, we met a lot of foreigners who were simply passing through Tokyo. Some were here on vacation, some were here for school or jobs; a few were just trying to figure things out and didn’t have a clear idea of their future. The church becomes a safe space for all people.

Unfortunately, there is limited space on Sunday morning and much to do. MSCC Toyko has two services, English Connect, a First Steps Course, two bible studies, and a children’s ministry. The staff and many of the volunteers arrive at 8 am and leave around 5 pm.

The priority of the church is to reach the Japanese, therefore everything is bilingual (Japanese and English), but the church also serves the many nations that God brings to Tokyo, including large groups of Chinese, Koreans, and Filipinos.

Spreading the Gospel Through Technology

One of the most effective ways for churches to advertise in Japan is through the Meetup app. Churches pay a small advertising fee to share about opportunities like English Connect, IQ cafe, as well as periodic outing and hangout opportunities.

An unexpected visit 

There are many amazing stories and events I didn’t have time to share here, but I want to highlight this one. After 15 years, I was able to see my roommate from Moody Theological Seminary. Sachi and his family live outside of Tokyo and we were able to have two meals together and attend service. He is not in ministry but he is loving Christ and living sent in a secular workplace. I could see the exhaustion on his face due to the heavy demand of his work — 12-hour days, sometimes Saturdays, and few to no vacation days. In his company’s culture, you don’t leave work before your supervisor. Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world due to overwork. The stress it puts on a marriage and family is overwhelming. But we were able to encourage and pray for one another. What a blessing to be united with him. 

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for every Japanese person to have an opportunity to hear the gospel 

  • Pray for more gospel workers in Japan 

  • Pray for the MSCC staff to be fully funded, and for more partnerships with churches; they are doing an excellent job contextualizing the gospel 

  • Pray for Kenji and I to have a safe flight back on Monday. 

Can’t wait to see you. Thank you family! 


Days 10-11: Tokyo, Part 1

From english conversations to gospel conversations

We left Kyoto and took a train to Tokyo. We participated in the MSCC Tokyo English Connect, which is an outreach to meet locals and expats. It’s just an hour of English conversation but most people stayed behind for hours. 

I met Yoshi, an older gentleman. He’s been coming to EC for about 3 years, occasionally attending Sunday services and the First Step course, which is an equivalent of a young believer class or Basic Christianity. I asked him what was holding him back from putting his faith in Jesus, and he said, “I need to learn more about the Bible and become better.” I shared with him that God loves and accepts him as he is. He doesn’t need to get better before trusting Christ. Please pray for Yoshi and others like him to not put their faith in their own work, but in Christ’s alone. 

Sometimes, they have up to 80 people in the EC class. It’s one of the ways to build relationships. Since Tokyo is such a sought-after city, with 24 million people and growing, it has drawn many foreigners and global expats. Some are believers, but a lot aren’t. Many would end up plugging into the life of the church through EC.

Meet up with the Wissels

We had dinner with the Wissels Friday night. I gave them some FBC shirts and Cliff bars. We had an amazing time sharing and praying together. 


Days 8-9: Kyoto

A Nation of Temples

Kenji and I went to the Fushimi Inari Tasha shrine early Wednesday morning near our hotel. We prayed as we walked around the place, asking the Lord to have mercy on the city. We walked almost 4 miles (8000 steps) and climbed 42 flights at this place alone. (We usually average about 7-10 miles’ walk daily.) In all our prayer walks in Kyoto, Fukuoka, and Osaka, we must have seen a hundred temples and shrines, but zero churches (except for MSC where we worshipped). I am sure there are a few, but It’s pretty sad. 

KYOTO: the cradle and grave of progress

We headed toward Mustard Seed Kyoto after this mini excursion. MSCC Kyoto is located in a strategic location in the center of town.

Kyoto has a population of 1.5 million. The Metro Area of Keihanshin, 19 million.

Kyoto, more than any other city, is the symbol of Japanese culture. As the capital of Japan for over a thousand years, Kyoto was the most culturally, intellectually, and religiously significant city in Japanese history and remains so today. With dozens of universities and colleges, the city houses the highest concentration of university students in Japan. They are joined by an average of over one million tourists per week, who come not just from Japan but from all over the world to visit its two thousand temples and shrines, walk its narrow streets, and get a taste of its rich culture.

Yet the very history that lends Kyoto its mystique also contributes to an inertia and resistance to change, from inside or out. Within Japan, people from Kyoto are thought of as refined yet aloof, even snobbish. Even as the city is renowned for its cultural and intellectual achievements, the business environment is stagnant at best, housing is in short supply, and incomes struggle to keep up with the cost of living. Yet through the proclamation of the good news by Mustard Seed Christian Church - Kyoto, the Spirit of Christ is moving to bring about new life among the millions of people in this historic city.

Kenji gave a prayer workshop to the Kyoto staff focusing on praying scriptures. We want to be Scripture-fed and Spirit-led. After the teaching on prayer, We spent some time praying using Psalm 19 as the outline over the city, staff, and the church. Kenji and I took the team out for Ramen and afterward, we spent another hour to encourage and pray for pastor Shin and Jared. 

MSCC Kyoto is a vibrant, growing church, 200-strong each Sunday, with two services at 11 am and 2 pm. They also recently added a youth group. 

Pastor Shin Yoshida is the lead pastor; Associate Pastor Jared Henke is the worship and discipleship pastor.  Ben and Julia Shimomura are ministers. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for the elders to continue to grow in unity and as they serve together to overcome new challenges 

  • There are a lot of young believers with little to no background in basic Christianity. It’s exciting, but at the same time it requires lots of nurturing. Pray for strength, wisdom, and time for the leaders to disciple young believers.

  • Pray for continued financial support for the staff. 

Hang Tu
Associate Pastor of Fairfax Bible Church


Days 6-7: Fukuoka

A New Team In A New City

Pastor Kenji and I flew from Osaka to Fukuoka Monday morning and met up with a new team of 7. Our new team now includes: David, Alyssa and baby Heidi (from MSN Tokyo), Ben and Julia (MSN Kyoto), Kenji and myself. We prayed over the city by a lake in Ohori Park. 

A Bright Past, But a flickering light

Next, we visited Seinan Gakuin University and prayed for the students and staff. Fukuoka has the highest proportion of young people among all the Japanese cities. Historically, it has a large Southern Baptist missionary presence, but it’s currently lacking in faithfulness and zeal.

Kyushu was the epicenter of Japan’s Christian century, where 300,000 professed faith in Jesus as a result of Portuguese Jesuit missions. 

A strategic gospel location

Tuesday morning we prayed on top of a Hakata train station, overlooking the people on their way to work. The island of Kyushu is home to 12.6 million people and all the trains lead right here to Hakata station. A  church at this station would allow for regional impact. It would not only be convenient for Fukuoka residents, but for those without a church in the greater region. 

A divine appointment 

Kanade has a college friend who grew up and is currently back visiting her parents in Fukuoka. Mariko came to the Fukuoka Tower with her three kids and had a wonderful time with David and Alyssa. She gave a lot of insight to many of the questions and concerns the Wissels had regarding living and church planting in Fukuoka. Meeting a local Japanese Christian from Fukuoka is priceless. There are a few highlights of this trip. This one probably is the top two. God is so good. 

Fun fact 

Apartment space is small. With people living in such close to one another, how do you practice your instruments, like a French horn? You do it a nearby park. Thankfully he was pretty good. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for a suitable venue for a church plant. 

  • Pray for God to prepare David and Alyssa and the launch team (potentially in the spring of 2025).

  • There is a prominent sex industry, international port, and Yakuza presence here in Fukuoka. Pray that God will redeem the lost, protect the vulnerable, and stop the abusers. 

  • Pray for a re-awakening in Fukuoka to the very gospel proclaimed here over 400 years ago.

  • Pray for a strategic partnership with Seinan Gakuin University, and for God to raise up student leaders for gospel work.

Hang Tu
Associate Pastor of Fairfax Bible Church


Day 5: Sunday service at MSN Osaka

The Gospel through English

At 10 am we had the English Connect class, which is a space for people interested in practicing English. I met two new friends, and both stayed afterward for the church service. I had an amazing time getting to know these wonderful people - one elderly woman and one younger guest.

The elderly woman was so curious; her mind is sharp and her desire to learn was inspiring. I told her when I grow up, I want to be like her. The younger woman experienced church and heard the gospel preached for the first time. Would you pray for them to keep coming back and eventually receive Christ as well as English skills?

Pastor Matt preached from 1 Peter 1:3-9, about Christ as our Living Hope. In him there is eternal joy. 

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

Worship at Mustard Seed Christian Church, Osaka クリスチャン教会 (大阪)


I met so many people from all over the world: Bulgaria, the USA, Hong Kong, China, S Korea, the Philippines, Russia, England, and India.  The lunch created a great opportunity for everyone to get to know one another. 

Bible discussion

I planned to attend but got caught up in conversations so here’s a picture (last photo in the gallery) for those who are interested in spending more time in the Word.

Mustard Seed Network Church

Overall, it was a wonderful day of worship and fellowship. The church building is a central location, right across from a busy intersection of a train station. You can see the mustard seed church sign from 2 blocks away. You can’t miss it. The rent is high but all MSN churches are located in a visible central location part of the city. Osaka church is definitely located in one of the best strategic spot. It’s a stone through away from Sky Bridge, one of the more popular landmark of Osaka with lots of tourists and visibility. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for pastor Matt (lead pastor), and Yuma (worship pastor) to have continued strength and wisdom

  • Please pray for their ability to raise full support, which they have been missing for years.

  • Please pray for more local Japanese men to step up in leadership positions. They need more children ministry volunteers and male leaders in general. 

  • Please pray for visitors to stay and be connected to the small group. 

Hang Tu
Associate Pastor of Fairfax Bible Church


Day 4: Last Day in Osaka

Finishing Strong

Today is the last day for the APCC short-term mission team; they will fly back to NOVA Sunday morning.

As we opened Acts 20, looking at Paul’s exemplary character and his charge to the churches, verse 24 stuck out to me:

“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”

Paul wants himself – and all followers of Christ - to finish strong with great humility, endurance, and tenacity, in the strength of our Savior.

After our prayer and debrief, we headed out to a park and just hung out and had our lunches with people. We had some really good conversations. Invitations were given to attend Sunday services.

Afterward, we went to visit the Osaka castle and then to the sky bridges downtown.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for the friends we met today that the Lord would bring them church Sunday.

  • Pray for a smooth transition for the APCC church as they re-enter their home; that they would have Isafe travels. Rest. Many had to head back to work Monday morning. Pray for the ability to reconcile temptations and run toward the way of escape provided by the Lord.

  • Pray for rest. Pray for quiet mediation and continue to see God above all else.

  • Pray for lasting faith and character development for short term missionaries.

  • Pray for MSN Osaka to be encouraged and keep fighting the good fight.

We past out booklet of the gospel those who are interested it. This NT look more like a comic book but it’s the NT. Pray that students would read it since faith comes from hearing the word of God

Hang Tu
Associate Pastor of Fairfax Bible Church


Day 3: Friday in Osaka

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”
John‬ ‭15‬:‭5‬ ‭

Experiencing God Differently

A haphazard mission trip can easily turn sideways. But when done properly, it can also give us a unique opportunity to experience God differently. Our need for God’s provision is more obvious when we are in a new environment. Our ears are more finely attuned to His word and promises. God’s heart and passion for the lost and broken are more clearly on display. 

Today was a long day but fruitful day. I went to bed around 12 am, twisted and turned, and finally woke up around 4 am. Had my devotional from John 15. The branches can’t and won’t produce fruit. The vine can. We have to stay connected to the vine in order to bear fruit.

Prayer Walk Around Osaka JR

Kenji invited me for a prayer walk around the Osaka JR (Japan railway) station. The place was quiet, until about 6:30 am. We interceded for the people, guided by different scriptures led by the Spirit. 

After breakfast, we met up with the short-term mission team from APCC. Kenji led us into a time of prayer and worship from Acts 17-19. Then we headed out to Kansai University for English conversion and evangelism. 

Students came into the cafeteria for lunch and we ate with them and got to know them. Since the Kenji’s team has been here for two weeks, relationships have begun to form. Familiar faces became regular faces. I was introduced immediately to three or four people. For those who are more interested in spiritual things, we gave them animated bible book and talked with them in a more private setting. 

We also invited them to an English connect outreach at MSN Osaka church at 7 pm over snacks and games. A few came along with some church members and new visitors. 

Overall, it was a full day of walking, train and bus riding, shopping at Costco, connecting with students, and praying for students. 

I left the hotel at 5 am and came to the hotel at 9 pm. Somehow, I am ok. The joy of seeing God at work in Osaka is simply amazing. 

Prayer Requests:

  • Would you ask God to soften hearts, especially in the students with whom we came in contact? 

  • Pray for good weather for tomorrow’s park day, and that many will come out and hear the gospel through organic concessions.

  • Pray for All People’s Community Church, as they are flying back to Virginia Sunday morning, that the Lord would meet, strengthen, and protect them. 

  • May we continue to abide in Christ, whether we are on the mission field or sitting at a desk working on a job back in Nova.

Fun Fact: Did you know that they have Costco in Japan? Even halfway around the world, you can still get cheap hotdogs!

Hang Tu
Associate Pastor of Fairfax Bible Church


Day 2: Safe Arrival in Osaka, Japan

Sunrise over Osaka, Japan

We arrived safely!

I made it by the grace of God! Kenji picked me up and it was good to see a familiar face. We also ran into a group of missionary interns having gospel conversations. It was cool to see another Christian organization so far away from home!

Although it was a 20-hour flight, pray for me to sleep well. There’s an 11-hour time difference, so 10 PM in Japan is 9 AM in Fairfax.

Fun fact: The city of Osaka rises late by American standards - about 7 AM - but they go to bed late as well.

We’ll be in Osaka until Sunday, so more exciting news coming soon!

Hang Tu
Associate Pastor of Fairfax Bible Church


Day 1: Meditations on Psalm 1

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

Psalm‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Chicago: Population of 2,590,002

How many are walking in step with the Spirit? Are we?

Off to Japan

As I am preparing to journey into busy, modern, shiny, attractive cities like Tokyo (14 million), Osaka (3M), Fukuoka (2M), and Kyoto (1.5M), I am anticipating how tired my eyes and mind going to be; sensory overloaded with huge crowds, advertisement billboards, new inventions, architectures, lights and sounds. Somehow, the Lord gave me an idea of why not commit to meditating and memorizing His word, specifically Psalm 1; God’s word will help me internalize and interpret his thoughts through the different experiences as I travel. I am excited about that.

Millions of People - Two Paths

Even in verse 1, walking through terminals in Dulles and O’Hare, it already made an impact on my mind. “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand nor sit with the evildoers.” I asked myself “of all the people walking in the airport, going to places, of all the people I am anticipating to meet on this trip, how many are walking with the Lord? How many are walking not in the wide path of sin and self but the narrow path of grace? How many are walking in step with the Lord and being filled with the Spirit?

What About Us?

What about me? Am I walking in step with the Spirit? Am I walking in according to God’s way or my sinful way?

What about you? How is your walk today? The blessed man refuses to walk in wickedness but chooses to walk with the Lord in obedience to His word. His heart and mind are guided by a higher pleasure, not the pleasure of the flesh or the created world, but the pleasure of the Creator God. And since He is God, His word will help us interpret our experiences and emotions. His word will carry us through the ups and downs of life. His word will be our guide.

Hang Tu
Associate Pastor of Fairfax Bible Church



June 12-24, 2024, Fairfax Bible Church will be sending pastor Hang on a vision trip to Japan to connect with our global partner, the Mustard Seed Network, and Pastor David Wissel.



  • Pastor Hang flies to Japan!




  • Vision casting and prayer with David Wissel, who will be planting a church here in 2025!





  • Pastor Hang flies back home to Northern Virginia!

Prayer Request

  1. Those who know me know that I love food, culture, and people. But what I’m most excited about is the ability to meet with Jesus and see his heart for this beautiful and broken country. I pray I can get a glimpse of the Japanese people from His vantage point. What are Jesus’ thoughts about the Japanese? What is His plan for them? Would you please pray that Jesus would grant me (us) an opportunity to catch His vision for Japan?

  2. On that note, please pray for me to see how God is using Mustard Seed Network to advance the gospel, and to understand His vision for them in Japan. How is He using them? And how are we (FBC) to come along side MSN to do our part? Together we are stronger!

  3. Pray for ears to listen to people and their stories; more importantly, that I would listen to the Spirit and respond in the Spirit.

  4. I am directionally challenged. I get lost easily even with the GPS and or with my wife assisting me. Getting lost in Japan is almost a guarantee. Would you pray that the Lord will guide my steps, that I will not be anxious?

  5. Pray for the Gospel to take root in Japanese culture and no longer be perceived as a western religion.

  6. Pray for the 99% Japanese (120 million) who never heard the gospel explained to have the chance to hear the good news, and to have a chance to read the Bible.

  7. Pray for mental, physical & spiritual protection over the Wissels 

  8. Pray for safety and refreshment my family as they travel to Illinois.

  9. Pray for the worship, production, and sound teams to keep directing people to Christ in passionate praise.

  10. Pray for yourselves to delight in Jesus and His words. Worship is eternal, mission is temporal. Mission exists because worship doesn’t. So let’s worship well FBC.

Thank you for your partnership,

Associate Pastor of Fairfax Bible Church