Men’s 1-on-1

We’re excited to offer the Men’s 1-on-1 initiative which focuses on achieving spiritual unity among the men at Fairfax Bible Church by loving Christ, increasing our faith, and meeting together to stir each other to love and do good works for God’s kingdom (Hebrews 10:24-25).

What can i expect from the men’s 1-on-1?

Each participant will be paired with one other participant to engage in scripture reading, discussion, and prayer. We encourage each pair to meet as frequently as their schedules allow over the course of three months. Throughout their time together, men will explore various topics related to biblical manhood and spiritual growth. Topics, scripture passages, and questions will be provided every three months to drive discussions. At the end of the three months, pairs are reshuffled to allow men to make connections with other men within the church. However, pairs can stay together if they choose.

How does it work?

All men of our church are invited to participate. Sign-ups are always open and will be ongoing throughout the year. Once you fill out the below form, someone will reach out to help pair you with another participant.

What if I don’t hear back?

If you have not heard back from the other person, please reach out to us using the form below and we will do our best to pair you with someone else.

Sign-up to participate: