Day 3: Friday in Osaka
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5
Experiencing God Differently
A haphazard mission trip can easily turn sideways. But when done properly, it can also give us a unique opportunity to experience God differently. Our need for God’s provision is more obvious when we are in a new environment. Our ears are more finely attuned to His word and promises. God’s heart and passion for the lost and broken are more clearly on display.
Today was a long day but fruitful day. I went to bed around 12 am, twisted and turned, and finally woke up around 4 am. Had my devotional from John 15. The branches can’t and won’t produce fruit. The vine can. We have to stay connected to the vine in order to bear fruit.
Prayer Walk Around Osaka JR
Kenji invited me for a prayer walk around the Osaka JR (Japan railway) station. The place was quiet, until about 6:30 am. We interceded for the people, guided by different scriptures led by the Spirit.
After breakfast, we met up with the short-term mission team from APCC. Kenji led us into a time of prayer and worship from Acts 17-19. Then we headed out to Kansai University for English conversion and evangelism.
Students came into the cafeteria for lunch and we ate with them and got to know them. Since the Kenji’s team has been here for two weeks, relationships have begun to form. Familiar faces became regular faces. I was introduced immediately to three or four people. For those who are more interested in spiritual things, we gave them animated bible book and talked with them in a more private setting.
We also invited them to an English connect outreach at MSN Osaka church at 7 pm over snacks and games. A few came along with some church members and new visitors.
Overall, it was a full day of walking, train and bus riding, shopping at Costco, connecting with students, and praying for students.
I left the hotel at 5 am and came to the hotel at 9 pm. Somehow, I am ok. The joy of seeing God at work in Osaka is simply amazing.
Prayer Requests:
Would you ask God to soften hearts, especially in the students with whom we came in contact?
Pray for good weather for tomorrow’s park day, and that many will come out and hear the gospel through organic concessions.
Pray for All People’s Community Church, as they are flying back to Virginia Sunday morning, that the Lord would meet, strengthen, and protect them.
May we continue to abide in Christ, whether we are on the mission field or sitting at a desk working on a job back in Nova.
Fun Fact: Did you know that they have Costco in Japan? Even halfway around the world, you can still get cheap hotdogs!
Hang Tu
Associate Pastor of Fairfax Bible Church