Days 10-11: Tokyo, Part 1
From english conversations to gospel conversations
We left Kyoto and took a train to Tokyo. We participated in the MSCC Tokyo English Connect, which is an outreach to meet locals and expats. It’s just an hour of English conversation but most people stayed behind for hours.
I met Yoshi, an older gentleman. He’s been coming to EC for about 3 years, occasionally attending Sunday services and the First Step course, which is an equivalent of a young believer class or Basic Christianity. I asked him what was holding him back from putting his faith in Jesus, and he said, “I need to learn more about the Bible and become better.” I shared with him that God loves and accepts him as he is. He doesn’t need to get better before trusting Christ. Please pray for Yoshi and others like him to not put their faith in their own work, but in Christ’s alone.
Sometimes, they have up to 80 people in the EC class. It’s one of the ways to build relationships. Since Tokyo is such a sought-after city, with 24 million people and growing, it has drawn many foreigners and global expats. Some are believers, but a lot aren’t. Many would end up plugging into the life of the church through EC.
Meet up with the Wissels
We had dinner with the Wissels Friday night. I gave them some FBC shirts and Cliff bars. We had an amazing time sharing and praying together.